A customised three month 1:1 virtual coaching program specifically designed to encourage, support and realise your individual pathway to your personal running goal.
12 week bespoke coaching program
Only 3 available per quarter
All 'Ground Running' benefits PLUS
Our most popular membership package.
A global, like-minded community of runners who celebrate all aspects of the running experience, regardless of your level of experience, location, ability, fitness, size, age, gender or confidence.
Getting you up and running
Expert coach for the long run.
Encourage & empower your running progress.
Identify & achieve running goals.
Increasing capability, confidence & community.
1 yr high-level exclusive mentoring program for targeted success
All 'Running Along' benefits PLUS
Only 1 space left for 2021
"It isn't just about winning a race. Running is a lot of things to different people. For me, I love to run. It's about sanity, indulgence, something for me. Feeling good. And yes, good for my health but also good for my sanity. And I love sharing my runs. I love the vibe. I do my best but don't beat myself up. My pace in any given run is just how I feel on the day." – John
"Just want to thank you for getting me back into running. I had given up hope of ever running again. Thought I was too old and too many injuries. Your personal running journey resonated with mine. You helped me realise that I don't have to look skinny, I don't have to run fast.. I just need to be out there doing it. Thanks again for busting all those barriers for me. Looking forward to participating in your programs in 2021." - Ann